Emergency care plan
All important information in one place
An emergency care plan has all the information about the person you care for in one place, so you can get it quickly and easily. An emergency care plan makes it easy for someone to take over from you in a hurry.
Emergencies can happen to you
You might get sick, have an accident or have to leave home suddenly. Having a plan in place means that, if something goes wrong, the person you care for will still be looked after.
We’ve made it easy for you
We have made a blank emergency care plan for you to fill in, save and share. It has all the details you need to think about for the person you care for. If you need to add more information, you can add extra pages.
Download a blank emergency care plan
Keep it safe and easy to access
Once you have filled in the plan, you should save it to your phone or computer. You should also print out copies of the plan, and keep a copy of the plan somewhere safe and easy to access in your home.
Travelling? Take a copy with you
Take a copy with you when you leave home or travel with the person you care for.
Who else needs to know? Give them a copy
Give a copy to each of your emergency contacts, your doctor, and anyone else who may need to know what to do in an emergency.
Have you thought about
Emergency Care Plan
Download a blank emergency care plan and cards to fill in, so someone can take over from you in a hurry